Books that Celebrate Winter Holidays Around the World
Winter Holidays Picture Books
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." - Hamilton Wright Mabie
I grew up celebrating Hanukkah, my husband grew up celebrating Christmas so our daughter was exposed to both Winter Holidays. Even better than that, the area we live in is very diverse and she has been exposed to a variety of traditions and celebrations. I truly believe that this early exposure to other cultures, beliefs, and traditions have benefited her in so many ways. We love exploring other cultures and traditions through books that celebrate winter holidays around the world.
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Books that Celebrate Winter Holidays Around the World are a wonderful way for children to explore other cultures and traditions.
Chinese New Year Picture Books
Around here many people celebrate The Chinese New Year. So we always enjoy celebrating the holidays with friends. Bringing In the New Year is a beautifully illustrated book that introduces the traditions of the Chinese New Year in a way that children ages 3 – 7 years will enjoy.
Chinese New Year Activity Ideas
Kids love lift-the-flap books (we do, too). Dragon Dance: A Chinese New Year Lift-the-Flap Book is a richly illustrated book that will make children feel that they are in the middle of the New Year festivities!
Children ages 2 - 5 years will enjoy this book.
Interesting Chinese New Year Facts which were chosen and researched by kids especially for kids.
Christmas Around the World
Christmas Around the World is a great book for children age 4 – 8 years. The book looks at the rich diversity of Christmas traditions found in 12 distinctly different cultures and gives a one-page overview of the different traditions. It is kind of like taking a round the world tour of different Christmas traditions.
Christmas Around the World Teaching Ideas, Activities, Lessons and Printables
The Crayons' Christmas is an adorable book, perfect for any fan of The Crayons Quit! The characters continue their jokes and stories as Peach looks for a new holiday outfit. This is a great book for children age 3 – 7 years.
Explore feelings and Make Crayon Ornaments with the kids!
Christmas Cookies: Bite-Size Holiday Lessons is a wonderful book for children age 4 – 8 years. It artfully combines cookies and the concept of caring with cozy illustrations of traditional Christmas sweets. It would make a great gift along with some home made cookies!
Have a multi-cultural holiday with 40 Unique Christmas Cookies from Around the World.
Hanukkah Picture Books
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins is one of my favorite books. Although the story is about Hannukah the message transcends the holiday. "Tired and hungry, the wandering beggar Hershel of Ostropol arrives in a small village on the first night of Hanukkah and is eager to join the celebrations. But the villagers are terrified of Hanukkah – their synagogue is haunted by goblins who will not let the villagers celebrate the holiday and who make their lives miserable. Hershel, of course, is certain he can help."
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins Literacy Unit
Who doesn't love Elmo? In the book Elmo's Little Dreidel children will discover the holiday along with Elmo as he celebrates his first Hanukkah and learns about the traditions surrounding the Jewish Festival of Lights. This is a fun book for children 2 - 4 years old.
How to play dreidel and other fun facts.
The Story of Hanukkah explains the historical and biblical relevance of Hannukah in a way that young children can understand. It also includes modern ways that the holiday is celebrated. This book is appropriate for children 4 - 8 years old.
Have some fun exploring Hannukah traditions and games with one or more activities that you can find from these 101 Hanukkah activities for kids.
Celebrating Kwanzaa
Seven Spools of Thread: A Kwanzaa Story (Albert Whitman Prairie Paperback) is a wonderful book for children ages 5 – 8 years. I don’t know much about Kwanzaa so I enjoyed this story that explores the seven principles of Kwanzaa. We also enjoyed exploring the crafts and recipes included in the book, for celebrating the cultural holiday.
Kwanzaa Teacher Resources
My First Kwanzaa is a week long holiday celebrating harvest and family. This book is a clear and engaging explanation of the principles celebrated during Kwanzaa. Beyond learning about the holiday, children will be exposed to values that most of us treasure. This book is good for children ages 2- 5 years old.
Kwanzaa Activities and Fun Ideas for Kids

Introducing Children to the winter holidays on New Year's
The Night Before New Year's is a fun rhyming book that teaches children about traditional ways to celebrate New Year's Eve. The lively illustrations make this a fun book to read with young children ages 3 - 5 years old.
New Year Facts & Worksheets for Kids
Winter Holidays that Inspire
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution teaches children about setting goals and making resolutions. It brings meaning to the holiday and inspires children to think about what their dreams for the new year will be. This book is good for children ages 4- 8 years old.
Squirrel's New Year's Resolution - Activities from the author
The Swedish Winter Holiday Santa Lucia
Lucia Morning in Sweden introduces children to the Lucia Day holiday traditions in Sweden. The beautiful illustrations and the charming story will entrance children age 4 – 7 years old.
Santa Lucia Day Activities, Free Printables, and More!
Celebrating Christmas in Mexico
The Legend of the Poinsettia tells the story of how the poinsettia came to be, through a little girl's unselfish gift to the Christ Child. This book is a religious explanation about creation and Christmas.
Young children ages 4 - 8 will enjoy learning about this beautiful Mexican celebration.
An Italian Legend about the Christmas Winter Holiday
The Legend of Old Befana: An Italian Christmas Story is a beloved classic picture book. In popular folklore Befana visits all the children of Italy on the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany to fill their socks with candy and presents if they are good, or a lump of coal or dark candy if they are bad. This book is best read with children 4 - 8 years old.
Christmas In Italy: Multicultural Lesson Plans for the Kindergarten Classroom
Celebrating the Winter Solstice
For our Finnish relatives, the Winter Solstice is a holiday that they look forward to with mixed feelings. They do not enjoy the lack of sunlight, but they do like knowing that the shortest day of the year will soon be behind them. Explore The Shortest Day: Celebrating the Winter Solstice Children 6 – 9 years will enjoy learning about the winter solstice and the activities suggested in the book.
Winter Solstice Celebration Ideas: Fun Ways to Celebrate the Solstice
The Solstice Badger is a legend about the time when the sun used to shine all day until it became tired and began to dim. The author weaves in values like compromise, compassion, friendship, and wisdom to this beautiful story about the significance of the winter solstice. This book is great to read with children ages 4-8.
Books about Winter Holidays
Winter Candle presents a beautiful message that transcends the holiday season. Winter Candle is a touching book that explores traditions, holidays, diversity and sharing. One candle makes a journey through the neighbor’s homes sharing light and beauty with them all, in many different ways. It is truly a multicultural experience.
Winter Candle Craft Activity