Learn to Research!
Educational Activities
Great Ideas for a Beginning Research Project!
Kids are always asking questions. The next time that your child asks a question have them do a research paper for kids at their own level. Learning how to gather and present information is a valuable skill and it is never too soon to start.
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Research for Kids: Great Ideas for a Beginning Research Project
Go to the library, search the internet. Perhaps go on a field trip to get a more hands-on experience. One of our young friends likes searching Pinterest. Encourage your child to not only ask questions but to look for the answers.
Expanding a Child’s Interest through Research
Some children rarely express curiosity or their interests are narrow. For those children, I start an “I wonder..” list. Encourage these kids to find some topic that they may want to learn more about. Try to build from their interests. If your child is obsessed with Legos perhaps they would like to learn how Ancient Civilizations built their monuments. The young boy who did the whale research started out just wanting to look at different animals but by building on his interests he has now become passionate about animal rights.
Target Skills for a Beginning Research Project:
- Writing Skills
- Drawing
- Comprehension
- Critical Thinking Skills
Materials for a Beginning Research for Kids Project:
- Pens/pencils
- Notebook or journal
- Access to research materials: books, places, access to the internet, experts on the topic, etc.

Instructions for a Beginning Research for Kids Project:
- To begin your research for kids activity first choose a topic that the child has expressed interest in learning about or choose an “I wonder” prompt.
- Go to the library and choose books at your child’s reading level. As you read ask the child which facts they are interested in learning about.
- For kid-safe web surfing go to Kidtopia and find some great research sites to get you started. We also have some fun research-friendly sites on 60 + Free Online Educational Resources for Kids. Here are Five Ways to Teach Research Skills to Elementary School Children.
- Then have the child draw a picture of what they are researching and write 3-5 facts about the topic. For emerging writers, you can have them dictate their thoughts.
- Compile their research into a binder or folder. Later have them compare and contrast their findings.
- For kids who prefer other media than drawing perhaps they would rather make up a song or make a movie. The point is acquiring knowledge and being able to express what you’ve learned.
What do you want to research?