Mobiles Make Awesome Kid-Made Gifts
Art and Craft Projects for Kids
It’s time for the annual kid-made gifts series! Last year there were24 Fabulous Kid-made Gift Ideas and this year we’ll be sharing more fabulous gift ideas that are perfect for kids to make! Be sure to stop by Teach Me Mommy for more awesome DIY gift ideas.
Why bother with homemade gifts?
We make a lot of kid-made gifts with the kids. In fact, you should be sure to check out all our other kid-made gift ideas, we have some super DIY ideas for you! We make a lot of gifts with the kids because there are so many lessons hidden in the activity. Fine motor, creativity, executive functioning skills, empathy and perspective taking to name a few. The kids get pretty excited and take a lot of pride in giving their homemade treasures.
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This year we decided to make mobiles with the kids.
I got the idea from a nice young man who made me a mobile last year. He actually cut and sanded the heart for his mobile. Since I’m nowhere near as handy as he is, I simplified the project so the kids and I could have a fun and easy time with our kid-made gift mobile project.
Materials needed to make a heart mobile:
- Wooden Shapes – we used Wood Hearts
- Eye Hole Screws
- Fishing Line
or Jewelry String
- Beads or Charms
- Glitter Paint
or Permanent Markers

Instructions for Your Kid-Made Gifts:
- First, paint or decorate your wooden shape. Allow it time to dry.
- The kids decorated one with snowflake stamps.
- Another decorating idea is to make a fingerprint heart.
- Then screw in the eye hole fasteners. Make sure that you put one at the bottom of the shape and then screw them in at parallel points on the shape. We used a ruler and marked where the screws should go. You can choose to hang as many or as few strings as you like but you will need an odd number to hang. Screw a fastener at the top of the shape.
- We had a group of different aged children and the eye hole screws were too difficult for the little one. So we stabled the strings to the back of the shape and then covered the staples by cutting out the shape on sticker paper and adhering that to the back of the shape.
- Tie the jewelry string or fishing line onto the charms or beads. Tie a string to the top fastener. Tie the strings onto all the eyehole screws. Make sure that the matching sides are level.
We think people will really appreciate this homemade gift. You can also personalize it by putting a photograph on one or both sides of the shape.