Rock Art Project
Art and Craft Projects for Kids
DIY Gift and Garden Decoration
A Rock Art Project using melted crayons
One magical day a young boy was out taking a walk in a big empty field. He was having a pleasant time until all of a sudden he stubbed his toe on a large rock and he began to cry. His mother hugged him and said, “Don’t cry, I think that maybe the rock just wanted your attention. Maybe he feels lonely and wants to be noticed.” The mother and her child bent down and looked at the rock. It looked like an ordinary rock. The mother looked at her child, smiled and asked, “Shall we take it home and make it special?” The boy, forgetting about his hurt toe, smiled and nodded. So they took the rock home, washed it and put it into the oven to warm while the boy got his crayons, put on his mittens, and waited. When the rock was nice and warm and cozy it was ready for the boy to make his own rock art project. The boy took his crayons and created color and beauty. He gave it to his mother who put it in her garden and kept it in her heart. On that magical day, the rock became special.
This is an easy rock art project that keeps kids busy making their own magical rocks and it makes a great gift or DIY garden decoration.
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Materials for your rock art project:
- Rocks
- Mittens
- Crayons - this is a good project for your old, broken crayons.

Easy Rock Art Project Instructions:
- Put the rocks in a warm oven (250 degrees) for 10 minutes.
- Have a workspace ready for the rock art project.
- Make sure that the kids put on their mittens before handling rocks, they will be hot! Use old mittens as they may get wax on them. The crayons will melt when touched to the rock.
- Have the children decorate their rocks.
- Allow the rocks to dry.
The beauty of using this method to decorate rocks is that they really last for a long time. I do not know how long they last in places that have snow but here in California, our decorated garden rocks have brightened our garden for over 10 years.