Board Games That Encourage Early Language & Literacy Development in Young Children
April 5, 2021/ Shelah Moss / Parenting, Gift Guide, Educational, Homeschooling / 4 comments
Learning Through Play
Encourage Early Language
When we encourage early language and literacy in young children it can set children up for success later in life. “Early literacy development begins the moment a child is born and continues throughout the early childhood years and beyond. Early literacy is not only about teaching children to read and write; it is about creating a love of reading and writing within each child.” ( Jodi Scott) There are so many ways that you can help your child develop language and literacy skills; talk to your child, read to your child, give them rich experiences. Encourage curiosity and foster an active learner. Music, art and craft projects, and spending time out in nature all build language skills.
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Games That Encourage Early Language and Literacy Development in Young Children
We like the kids to laugh as they learn so we play a lot of games. We have found some awesome games that encourage early literacy and language development in young children. Playing games with the kids is a great way to model good communication skills, introduce new vocabulary, and work on language concepts.
Some of our favorite games for early language and literacy development:
Guess Who? Board Game is one of our favorite games. It is simple to play and encourages children to ask questions. Players need to ask questions to figure out who the mystery person is. Best for children ages 6 and older.
Zingo – Bingo with a Zing Game “Zingo is a matching game that encourages pre-readers and early readers alike to match the pictures and words to their challenge cards. The Zinger dispenses tiles and fun as young minds quickly race to be the first player with a full card and yell “ZINGO!” With two levels of play, this matching game builds language skills through fast-paced play.” Best for children ages 4 and older.
Didax Educational Resources Lang Development Board Game is a really boring name for a fantastic set of literacy games. The games can be easily modified to fit whatever age/grade level you are working so it has the potential of being very individualized to tailor your kids’ needs. It comes with six board games will help students become confident with the different parts of speech. The games included cover: – verb tenses – nouns/adjectives – prepositions – conjunctions – verbs/adverbs. Best for ages 8 – 11 years.
Seek-a-Boo Game is a fun and exciting way to build your child’s vocabulary and improve memory skills with repetition. It’s an active game that will keep young children engaged. Best for children ages 18 months and older.
The Cat in the Hat I Can Do That! is another game that gets kids moving and learning in fun and meaningful ways. Get silly while working on memory, following directions, vocabulary social skills and turn taking! To start, a player picks one of each of the three color cards. Taken together, the cards create a fun and funny activity the player is challenged to do. For example, Card 1 could read “Take Four Giant Steps,” Card 2 “With the Cake,” and Card 3 “On your head!” Each card also has one, two, or three stars on it for scorekeeping purposes. If the player wants to take the challenge, he says “I can do that!” and takes a turn. Best for ages 4 and up.
Learning Resources Pop for Sight Words Bundle One of the hardest things to do while trying to teach your child to read while keeping their attention. Well, this game offers the opportunity to do it. The little popcorns are cute and the box is exciting. Improve word recognition through fast-paced gameplay. Use the abundant word cards for your own early literacy activities. Best for children ages 5 and up
Very Silly Sentences is, well, silly. Color-coded cards will help your child learn parts of speech and sentence construction with hilarious results. Children who don’t read yet will be able to understand by referencing the pictures. It’s an easy way to introduce children to sight words and sentence construction. Best for children ages 3 and older.
Pint-Size Scholars Sight Words Pizza Board Game, 120 Dolch & Fry Vocabulary Words for Reading & Spelling Readiness (1-4 players) reinforces and increases retention of newly acquired sight words with fun, competitive gameplay that provides vital repetition. During a game young learners get several chances to read and interact with crucial sight words, all while assembling gooey, cheesy pizzas! Best for ages 3 years and up.

There are also so many free online game sites for building early language and literacy skills:
- Starfall: Starfall has been teaching children to read with phonics for well over a decade. They want you to subscribe but they have a variety of games that you can play for free.
- FunBrain has a variety of fun reading games. One of our favorites is Grammar Gorillas.
- Kids Spell has free online spelling games. They even have a feature where you can choose your own words to practice.
- The Story Place has free online stories the kids will enjoy.
- Learn English Kids plays a short tongue twister and then asks the kids to repeat it.
- PBS Kids has many fun free learning games including games that build vocabulary skills.
- Turtle Diary has a collection of adjective games the kids will enjoy.
Do you have a favorite early language and literacy game? Please tell us about it!

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