Gross Motor Maze Games are a great way to keep the kids active and an enjoyable way to work on vision skills, directionality, and critical thinking skills.
These balloon activities incorporate gross motor, fine motor, visual processing and social-emotional skills while children think they are “just playing”.
A fun way to work on visual tracking skills! Combine water, balloons, and things to hit with and the kids will have a blast and use their energy up at the same time.
Make a Calm Down Kit -teach children how to self-regulate, manage big emotions, and reduce stress. Here are tools and strategies to use to help your anxious or emotional child calm down.
Ridiculous Reading Phonics Game
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
Give children a good knowledge of phonics while playing a very silly game.
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Scissor Skills and Cutting Practice
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
Scissor skills are part of the foundation for our children to develop fine motor skills they will need all through their lives.
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Rainbow Spaghetti Wall
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
We love doing construction paper crafts with the kids. Practice Scissor Skills and Make Fun Wall Art!
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Brilliant Bubble Wrap Activities & Gross Motor Games
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
Bubble wrap is one of the best inventions (other than balloons); there are so many fun ways to use it! The kids love these games!
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Gross Motor Maze Games
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
Gross Motor Maze Games are a great way to keep the kids active and an enjoyable way to work on vision skills, directionality, and critical thinking skills.
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A Bunch of Balloon Activities
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
These balloon activities incorporate gross motor, fine motor, visual processing and social-emotional skills while children think they are “just playing”.
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Pendulum Water Blast
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
A fun way to work on visual tracking skills! Combine water, balloons, and things to hit with and the kids will have a blast and use their energy up at the same time.
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Calm Down Kit for Older Kids
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
Make a Calm Down Kit -teach children how to self-regulate, manage big emotions, and reduce stress. Here are tools and strategies to use to help your anxious or emotional child calm down.
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Balloon Pass
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
A tactile sensory processing activity that works on directionality and tactile discrimination.
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Bedtime Buddies
September 21, 2018 / by admin /
A sensory craft for kids who like to calm down with their favorite “friend”.
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