Best Telling Time Activities – Teach Children How to Tell Time
July 7, 2020/ Shelah Moss / Parenting, Educational, Homeschooling / 0 comments
Educational Activities
Learning how to tell time can be tricky, especially in our digital world. After all, our kids will probably know how to ask Siri to tell them the time before they know how to read a clock themselves. In order to make learning to tell time easier be sure to have both digital and analog clocks where the kids can see them. Use the clocks to show children what time they are doing an activity.
Children age 5-6 years old should be able to read the hour and half hour markers on a clock face; children age 6-7 years old should know the number of minutes in an hour, be able to tell time up to five minutes, and be able to identify the quarter hour faces of the clock; and children aged 7-8 years old should be able to read an analog clock.
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We asked some talented parents, educators, and bloggers for their best activities for teaching children how to tell time with analog and digital clocks and they responded with a wealth of learning activities!
You can find the perfect activity for your children to learn all about time. In fact, we found so many awesome activities it will be difficult to choose just one. There are endless ways to engage the children in learning about clocks and time. Children can enjoy learning with any of these activities!
Before children learn to tell time they need an understanding of what time means.
Kids Activities Blog has a wonderful activity- Tell Time: Learning Units of Time with Concentric Circles. This activity is a good visual way to help children learn the concept of seconds, minutes and hours and they even provide a free printable template making this super easy to set up and use!
Making Clocks and Watches Fun!
Another way for young children to start to get familiar with the concept of clocks, watches and time is to make a craft. Red Ted Art had fun making watches with toddlers and you can, too! Check out how to make them and get the kids excited about telling time.
In Our Pond offers printable schedule cards that will help children stay on schedule and learn to recognize what time it is when they do an activity. Then In Our Pond extends the learning by creating a set of clock cards to teach about telling time to the half hour, using a fictional account of a zookeeper's day. Children will have fun pretending to be zookeepers as they learn to tell time. Kids do love exploring jobs, especially fun ones that involve animals.
JDaniel4's Mom made some clever Telling Time from Sunrise to Sunset STEM Worksheets. Children learn to match the clock with familiar activities on their schedule like dinner and playtime.
Another activity from JDaniel4's Mom is her Telling Time Worksheets with Ladybugs. The ladybugs are super cute and she has made teaching time easy with her printable Ladybug clock with matching time worksheets.
The Natural Homeschool created an entire homeschool unit about clocks and telling time. Check out their Montessori-Inspired: The History of Time Measurement post for free printables and teaching ideas. You will find an abundance of activities that will fit well with homeschooling, a classroom and at home.
Natural Beach Living has a DIY Paper Clock Activity. It's a fun and easy way to have children learn to tell time. The DIY clock teaches children how to tell time in five-minute increments. You can use the clock throughout the day and the kids will like that they can lift the flaps to find the time.
Combine Movement with Learning!
We always love to combine movement with learning and if the kids can be outside while they learn that's a bonus! Creative Family Fun has created a super fun clock game that you can play with groups of kids. All you need to play is chalk and children.
Learning to Tell the Time Worksheets
If you are looking for worksheets to help you teach time to the kids you came to the right place! Kiddy Charts has a bunch of learning to tell the time worksheets that introduce learning to tell the time, learning to tell the time in15-minute segments, and finally help with learning to tell the time in 5 minute segments.
A Dab of Glue Will Do You has some Matching Time Cards for your elementary students. Encourage your kids with telling time to the hour and matching time to the half hour. This telling time game is perfect for kindergarten math centers, first-grade math centers, and is a great second-grade math review.
Learning to Tell the Time Puzzles
A Dab of Glue Will Do You has some Spring themed clock puzzles for your students. The puzzles are quite cute as they teach children how to match the times of both analog and digital clocks.
Living Life and Learning takes children's natural interest in community helpers to get them excited about learning about time. Community Helpers Time Puzzles are really attractive and perfect for kids just beginning to learn about the concept of telling time.
What We Do All Day had some fun combining storytelling with learning about the time with their Mystery Clock. This activity teaches kids to tell time by combining math and literacy in a game format.
Now take a beloved nursery rhyme like Hickory Dickory Dock, pair it with a DIY clock activity and you will discover the power of learning with rhymes. Best Toys for Toddlers has an absolutely adorable activity for the kids. By using the Hickory Dickory Dock Matching Clothespins the children will also be using fine motor skills while they play this stinkin' cute clock game.
Easy Peasy Learners has some clock and time telling games that the kids love to play. The first is I have, Who Has, Telling Time to the Hour game printable cards. It's a time card game where kids learn to read both analog and digital clocks.
The second game from Easy Peasy Learners is their Printable Time Telling Game. Combine dice, taking turns and playing a game and the children will learn to tell time in 10-minute increments while they play.
Time can seem fairly arbitrary to young children, they may have a difficult time understanding why it's relevant in their lives. It will help to do some activities that illustrate the meaning of time in their lives.
The Wise Owl Factory takes a Montessori approach to teach the abstract idea of time to children. By introducing hands-on activities you can encourage children to understand sequencing, the passage of time and the calendar.
What We Do All Day took a trip to the movie to help make time relevant and understandable. This Telling Time Activity can be adapted to just about any event in your child's life.
Once children have learned to tell time the clock becomes a useful tool for keeping kids on schedule. Kids Activities Blog uses an after school routine clock to help children stay on track without melting down. This clock is perfect for visual children and it is very useful for helping children on the autism spectrum understand and manage their time.